Thursday, June 27, 2013

Wedding Drama Saga: Part 4

We have heard nothing from Deltona for the past few days since she sat down with mom.  It is suspicious.  My own manic episodes have decreased as a result of a REALLY spectacular acupuncture treatment.  It is like all the aggression and frustration just melted away! POOF! GONE!  But, as with all individuals who tend to need drama to survive, I am sure my peace will be disturbed by more random BS.  I give it about 2 or 3 weeks.  Maybe less......?  Who knows.

Now to write about some mild drama and continue to get all of you caught up with the current wedding status.

Tuxedos.  Men wear them.  Some love them, some hate them.  Mr. Adorable loves them and loves to dress up and look nice.  So, he went and registered at Men's Warehouse.  Our first time in there was discouraging.  It was after my martial arts class and after I had accomplished a slow motion face plant into a stool.  I know.  Weird, right?  But it DID happen and I DID come within millimeters of either breaking my nose or losing my front teeth.  L.U.C.K.Y.
So we went into the store despite me being hocked up on ibuprofen with compresses on my face.  I do not know if it is because we looked kind of scrubby but we were pretty much ignored for a while.  Then a salesman tried to help us, did not set up a portfolio for Mr. Adorable, and did not inquire about color schemes or anything.  Mind you- Men's Warehouse is an excellent store, we believe we got someone who was brand new and trying to learn their job.  I would actually recommend Men's Warehouse to anyone getting married.
About a month later we went to another Men's Warehouse and everything has gone smoothly with tuxedo rentals ever since :)

That just about brings you all up to date on current wedding drama! Now I can begin to write new stuff and new drama and incorporate more of my feelings and thoughts on this journey.

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